Presentation Profile

MarqMetrix in the Middle: How to reduce cost and improve profit with Raman spectroscopy

Currently Scheduled: 10/12/2022 - 11:05 AM - 11:35 AM
Room: Iris

Main Author
Grant Kerkman - MarqMetrix

Abstract Number: 125

The financial health and wellbeing of Midstream Oil & Gas companies relies on minimizing cost and operational expenses without sacrificing quality or system reliability.  Limitations in analytical technology have prevented Midstream operators from fully unlocking their potential in cost reduction, until now.  By utilizing MarqMetrix’s revolutionary Raman spectroscopy, Midstream operators now can make crucial, data-driven decisions in real time to minimize costs and drive profitability.  This paper will outline the new capabilities brought to the Midstream market segment by the MarqMetrix All in One Raman analyzer by using innovative optics and chemometric modeling.  The paper will also provide guidance through three unique case studies: transmix reduction of refined fuels, LPG product blending, and terminal loading operations.  In all three cases, one will see that the speed of response and ability to perform quick, accurate measurement allows an operator to unleash the full potential of their operations.  By utilizing MarqMetrix’s novel Raman analyzer, a Midstream operator can decrease cost, boost profit, and maintain the same level of quality and reliability that the industry demands.  

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