Petro Industry News (PIN) is a globally recognized publication that caters to the analytical instrumentation sector of the fuel, lubricants, refining, and petrochemical industries. Published bi-monthly, the magazine boasts a readership of over 30,000 buyers and end-users of analytical equipment in refineries, plants, fuel, lubricant, and petrochemical labs. Additionally, the digital version of the magazine is read by over 20,000 subscribers worldwide.
The publishers of PIN are also the organizers of PEFTEC, the EMEA region’s sole conference and technical exhibition for analytical instrumentation in refining, petroleum, biofuel and petrochemical applications. PEFTEC provides the region with a unique platform for industry experts to come together, share their knowledge and showcase new developments and innovations.
PIN’s website, www.petro-online.com is another valuable resource for analytical chemists working in oil/petroleum and alternative fuel related sectors. It is updated daily with the latest news, events, product launches, and application articles of relevance to the industry.
PIN is part of International Labmate, a well-established publishing house that has been providing analytical instrumentation technology magazines since 1974. The other publications in the International Labmate range include International Environmental Technology. Asian Environmental Technology, International Labmate, Lab Asia, Measurement Analysis China, and Chromatography Today. With its extensive coverage of the analytical instrumentation sector, PIN is an indispensable resource for professionals in the fuel, lubricants, refining, and petrochemical industries.

LCGC International is the leading provider of digital and print content to the separation science market, enhancing the productivity, efficiency, and overall value of separation techniques globally. With their commitment to editorial excellence, they have pioneered innovation across a broad portfolio of digital and print platforms. LCGC covers all key growth areas in the field of separation science, providing unbiased, peer-reviewed content, educational webinars, trusted troubleshooting advice, and best-practice applications solutions.

Spectroscopy provides peer-reviewed articles, trusted advice from expert columnists, and the latest breaking developments to facilitate the advance of analytical spectroscopy and its use as an essential tool across a variety of applications and fields.
Labcompare is a leading buyers guide and online resource for the laboratory, Labcompare provides up-to-date product information and new technologies for laboratory professionals in applied sciences including analytical chemistry, clinical diagnostics, environmental sciences, food testing, forensic sciences, cannabis testing, and other applications. Labcompare combines in-depth knowledge of the products and technologies used by laboratory professionals with expertise to provide articles, product reviews, videos, newsletters, product reviews, and other content all designed to educate and inform lab professionals throughout every step of their buying journey. Labcompare continually strives to serve laboratory professionals to help facilitate product discovery and technology education, compare products side-by-side, and request quotes from manufacturers.