2024 - Amit Gujar

Product Application Specialist
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Amit Gujar, Ph.D. is a Product Specialist for the GC, GC-MS business unit at Thermo Fisher Scientific. He has worked at Thermo for over 10 years and has been intimately involved with planning, development and commercial release of their most recent TRACE 1610, ISQ 7610 and TSQ 9610 GC and GC-MS systems. He is academically trained as a Chemical Engineer with a Ph.D. focus on automotive catalysis. He did a couple of stints as a postdoctoral scholar working in the area of biofuels and synthetic fuels (Fischer-Tropsch) before coming to Thermo.


Improved laboratory productivity with a single GC-MS/MS configuration for multipurpose environmental analysis
Abstract Number: 210
Wednesday, October 16th

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