Presentation Profile

PART 2: Precision and Bias considerations when comparing Test Result(s) to Specification Limits

Currently Scheduled: 10/15/2024 - 8:40 AM - 9:20 AM
Room: Daffodil

Main Author
Alex Lau - Baytek International

Abstract Number: 259

When a limited number of test results is used to assess product conformance to specification limits, there is a non-trivial probability that not all results will meet specification due to test method (im)precision and bias if the true value of the property is close to the specification limit. Because the "true value" of a property is a theoretical construct, it cannot be determined exactly; therefore, it is necessary to infer from the limited test result(s) a range of possible “true values” and an associated confidence that the true value will be captured in this range. This presentation will provide an overview on how test method (im)precision and bias should be factored into the interpretation of test result(s) relative to specification limit values.

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