Presentation Profile

Analysis of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Fuels by ASTM D6379 and D6591 on a Single HPLC Platform

Currently Scheduled: 10/15/2019 - 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM
Room: South Lobby

Main Author
Brian Domanski - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.

Additional Authors
  • Andrew Fornadel - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
  • Raz Volz - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
  • Craig Young - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
Abstract Number: 205

Determining the aromatic content of hydrocarbon fuels is crucial to assessing their combustion characteristics and compliance with environmental regulations. One of the longest- and most commonly-used test methods for aromatics in hydrocarbon-based fuels is ASTM D1319, a column chromatography method that separates fuel components into visible bands within the column for quantitation. Recently, one of the reagents necessary for this test became unavailable and hydrocarbon processors are searching for alternatives to ASTM D1319.

Two methods that are used for quantitation of aromatic components of fuels are ASTM D6379 and D6591, for kerosene and middle distillates (e.g., jet fuel) and diesel fuel, respectively. These methods are normal-phase, liquid chromatography methods in heptane mobile phase that separate and quantitate aromatics from fuel samples by refractive index detection.

Using a two-column set of Shim-pack™ NH2 and CN phases, we demonstrate the compliance of a single system to both methods. Furthermore, the systems exceed the method specifications for resolution laid out by ASTM and the IP, specifications commonly used in Europe. This ensures that the instrument with stay within specification without excessive column reconditioning or replacement.

The use of liquid chromatography allows for faster and more accurate separation and quantitation of aromatic components of common fuels than D1319 and does not suffer from the unavailability of reagents. Compliance with both methods on a single platform furthers the versatility of the instrument for laboratories with diverse needs.

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